Royal Fixture Company started producing exceptional products on the first floor of a three story building. As the work orders grew so did RFC ultimately inhabiting all three floors. In the early 80's we moved to a 33,000 square foot single floor facility. This move helped streamline our job flow by not having to move materials and products to different floors of the building. About 20 years later Royal Fixture Company expanded again to 50,000 square feet. In our current location we have all of the requirements to build any size of project that you need. In this building are some of the most up to date CAD/CAM, CNC equipment, and finishing equipment. This gives us a great advantage, so we can provide you with the producet and service you deserve. If you have a challenging project or even something more conventional give us a call or e-mail us.
1641 Crystal Kansas City, Missouri 64126
(Phone) 816-483-2800
(Fax) 816-483-2801